About Us

We Care About Kids

NorthRidge Christian Preschool exists to work with families in bringing their children to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, educating them for a Christian world view, and preparing them for a life of service to Christ and their world. 

Mission Statement

To work with families in bringing their children to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, educating them for a Christian world view, and preparing them for a life of service to Christ and their world.


“To be a Worshipping Community of Ministering Believers Committed to Exalting the Lord, Evangelizing the Lost, Educating Learners, Equipping Leaders, and Extending Christ’s Love to the People Groups of the World.”


To exalt the Lord Jesus Christ.

To teach salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

To teach every subject in the light of biblical truth.

To teach God’s Word as the final authority in every area of life.

To teach our students morals such as truthfulness, obedience and responsibility.

To teach our students to have love and respect for others and to respect the privacy of others.

To have the teacher in charge of the classroom.

To have the teacher responsible for providing a structured atmosphere of order in which the students will learn.

To let the teacher have the authority to administer discipline to each student according to established procedures.

To use curriculum that is God-centered, teaching spiritual truths, morality and patriotism.

Core Values

“After conducting internal assessments involving the church membership, the church staff, and the lay leadership, we discovered that there are seven major core values that summarize all of our feedback. The family of NorthRidge Church has the following guiding values that are foundational to understanding our commitment to who we are and who we want to be”:

Core Value # 1 A Commitment to Biblical Preaching and Teaching

We understanding that the authority for our ministry and life comes from the inerrant, infallible Word of God, we submit ourselves to do what it says, thus yielding our lives to become what Christ desires for us to be.

Core Value # 2 A Commitment to Prayer

We believe that God desires His people to pray and we also believe that He hears and answers prayer. The ministries of this church will be characterized by a reliance on God through prayer.

Core Value # 3 A Commitment to Worship

We acknowledging that our very lives are instruments for His glory and purpose…the focal point of our very lives in all that we do will be to honor Him.

Core Value # 4 A Commitment to Evangelism

We believe that Jesus is the only way of salvation thus leading us to pursue vigorous means of proclaiming the gospel to our community, city and world.

Core Value # 5 A Commitment to Love

We affirm what Jesus said; “This is how all men will know that you are my disciples: that you love one another.” We commit to living our lives in active love towards one another.

Core Value # 6 A Commitment to Fellowship

We value the gathering together as an assembly of believers sharing with one another in the commonality of belief in Jesus Christ.

Core Value # 7 A Commitment to Unity

We believe that we have been united in Christ thus becoming the church; that is the body or the family of God. Therefore we are compelled to unite together for the cause of the Great Commission as our highest purpose as a body.

Nondiscrimination Statement

NorthRidge prohibits discrimination against students accepted into this facility. Students are admitted without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability or any other legally protected status in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal laws.

Equal Opportunity

It is the policy of NorthRidge to grant equal employment opportunities to all qualified persons without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability or any other legally protected status in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal laws. It is our intent and desire to provide equal opportunities in employment, promotion, wages, benefits, and all the privileges and terms of employment. The ministry does, however, reserve the right to employ persons who have a background and philosophy of ministry and who, in the opinion of NorthRidge, have a work history and a life style which is consistent with the scriptural principles of the church. All employment decisions will be made in compliance with applicable labor laws.